Let me preface this with, I am no 'crunchy' mama. I am not a hippy, I am not a tree hugger, and most certainly not a typical cloth diaper, baby wearing mama. When I had my son I was a full-time Sales Manager for Macy's Retailers. Just after his 1st birthday I was able to quit my job and stay home with my son while my husband began working since had graduated college. I love fashion, I love make-up and hair, I love 5 inch pumps and skinny jeans, (I also love my yoga pants and baggy t-shirts) but someone who would recycle and reuse diapers was certainly not on my list before having my son. That being said, I did worry about what others would think. I even worried for months after my son was born what people would say when I was out and about and changing him in more public venues, and as he got more mobile people caught little glimpses of his fluffy bum peeking out from the top his pants.
So you want to cloth diaper but now you worry about what your friends will think, what your family will think, will your spouse even be interested? Well thats totally ok and totally normal. I was overwhelmed at first and all my sisters said to me, there is no way you will stick with it. I give 2 weeks. Well little did they know that I never back down from a challenge and so it was on! haha
I worried that my mother in law wouldn't support us in this, (I never had my mom to worry about because she cloth diapered all 6 of her kidos) but I was wrong and she proved to be super supportive. Friends was a mixed bunch, but I didn't care cause honestly how often does your friend change your baby's diaper, uh like NEVER!
I did worry about daycare, but guess what mamas? It is becoming more and more popular for cloth diapering to appear and most places will do diapers so long as it is easy for them, so really if you stuff em and prep em and have it ready to go it is no different then sposies, they just go into a wet bag and come home with you ;)
What am I saying is who cares, do what you want, its your home and your kids and you ultimately have to live with it. Cloth diaper full-time, part-time, any-time. Do what works for you and don't let it become a chore or something you hate. I know I don't.
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