Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How it all began...

A great friend of mine and my husbands went cloth with their baby who was born over a year ago. I loved the idea but wasn't too sure I could do it. I love the prints, the look, and most of all the overall cost.
I spent MONTHS, and MONTHS doing research on what I would eventually purchase. I followed blogs, I asked questions and searched and searched. Ultimately I came upon this website Kelly's Closet and it had just about everything I could need as well as a great face book page with other cloth mamas where you can share info, learn more, and ask questions! I was SOLD!

We started out Bummis Super Brite Covers with Green Mountain Prefolds. My only complaint was that my prefolds while they were 'newborn' size they were just a little long for the covers so I had to alter them. At the time I didn't even consider buying preemie size. I will buy those for baby number two. But that was the only complaint. Those covers held it all in, the prefolds were super absorbent! I was in love from the start.
My baby boy was so adorable with his fluffy bum. I had also purchased some Rumparooz Lil Joeys and Bum Genius XS but each only got used about 4 times as my baby grew rapidly and within 3 weeks of birth had outgrown them. I was sticking to covers and prefolds at this point. So I added two more covers to my stash, Rumparooz Covers in newborn size and they are ADORABLE! What I loved about this system was that is was much more inexpensive then purchasing AIO's (all in ones) because you use SO many diapers a day in the early weeks of infancy. After talking with my mom, I also purchased some Birdseye cotton flats to add to my stash. I was more in love then I thought possible with flats, while my husband liked the prefolds cause there was 'no folding' :)
What surprised me most was how my opinion of diapering changed. I thought for sure I would be a AIO girl, who wouldn't love that it works just like a sposie but you wash it and use it again? Well I didn't like the dry time on those puppies so I invested more heavily into prefolds and covers. I have added Thirties Duo Wrap Covers and Best Bottoms Covers. I purchase a few more prefolds in the next size up and more flats.
The other thing I did that even surprised me, was doing the cloth wipe approach! I hadn't even thought about it until about 3 weeks before baby was due. I purchased 30 cotton flannel wipes and 12 Grovia terry cloth wipes. I made my own cloth wipe solution using a bit of babies soap, water, tea tree oil, and lavender oil. I have used sposie wipes 2 times on my baby boy and hated them! It took way too many get all the poo off and they smell gross to me. So I was hooked on cloth wipes too!

Stay tuned... next will be pictures of all this cuteness!

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