Okay so here are a couple pictures of what we have been using the last 3 months in my house!
Below is my 'diaper change station' On the top you will see my terry cloth wipes, my flannel wipes, and my spare prefolds that I use as 'protection' covers while changing him to make sure I don't accidentally get peed on, silly boys. Below you will see two drawers. The top one holds all my diapers for day time use. So for whatever we are currently using lives here, as of today its thirties covers with 'small' prefolds and flats. I usually fold everything and fill the covers to make it easier for the hubby, plus I love the look of organization ;) To the right of the storage you will see my water container that we keep fresh water in, a spray bottle with my diaper solution, and jar of CJ's BUTTer (this stuff is AMAZING!) and a bottle of hand sanitizer.
First a Rumparooz Lil Joeys in Platinum, this is a AIO so it was great for when we were out and about because it works just the same way a sposie does but you wash it!
Next is the Bummis Super Brite Cover in blue with a Green Mountain Prefold Newborn size.
Then the Rumparooz Cover in Newborn size in the robots print ( I LOVED the prints) with the same prefold in it.
Lastly is a Thirsties Duo Wrap in Meadow color, size 1. You can see it is adjustable rise so it fits from birth to about 18 lbs. We are currently in these but have just about grown out of them.
Here is the same set up but I also let you see the prefolds and flat that I use. The diapers are laying on Birdseye Cotton Flat folded in half and below it are the Green Mountain Prefolds.
You may notice that most my items have links to the same website. It is because I LOVE Kelly's Closet, they are one of the few retailers with a great return policy, friendly people, and a rewards system that lets you earn money on EVERY purchase!!! So great!
More to come on what it takes to cloth diaper full-time :)
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