Just shy of 3 months ago we brought home our precious baby boy. He was born 8lbs 4oz and 21.5 inches long. I had originally planned on using sposies (disposables) for the first two weeks until his circumcision healed. Well turns out that plan lasted all of 3 days because my little man peed through every diaper he was put in. He couldn't make longer then 2 hours in those teeny newborn sposies. After too many outfit changes, cause of so many diaper changes, I decided to just break out the cloth and do it and we have never looked back!
Turns out cloth diapering wasn't as hard I thought it would be and I have really enjoyed it. Turns out my husband doesn't mind it either and has grown to really (I won't say love) like that we are doing this.
Everyone has their own reasons for doing cloth but mine were two fold, cost savings. While we don't live on a small budget, I knew from sisters that diapering children is NOT cheap and that was not something I wanted was to accrue another monthly bill basically. I also knew that I have very sensitive skin as does my husband so it would make sense that our baby most likely would too. Why put diapers on him that are made with chemicals and what not when I can put good ole cotton against him without any additives or fillers?
I started this blog because a lot of people are shocked I used cloth, but a lot aren't. Those that are surprised it is mostly because they assume since I work in a fast pace retail environment that I would not do something as 'old fashioned' as cloth. I am here to say while it may be an old fashion idea, it sure has changed a lot! Stay tuned for more about cloth diaper adventures!
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